Visit my webpage. I am partnering with small businesses and individuals to build their online brand usine Wordpress to deliver and content content around their endeavors. I have been working with Wordpress for almost 5 years. I enjoy it because there is
ongoing learning and more possibilities in web design every day! I leverage to host Linux servers. I manage the entire LAMP stack.
I enjoy the complex layers of technology and coding that work together so elegantly to deliver rich content to users' browsers. My passion is to navigate all the techology and step through the analysis and work to publish content for an individual or small business effectively - to make them more successful in what they do by maximizing their online presence.
I am hosting this website on github. I am following Google Cloud Platform to learn more and find ways to use them.
See my progress on
And, russloidolt report card tracks my enrollment in Code School
I follow Google Analytics on Google+ and learn and stay up-to-speed with the resources and courses at the Analytics Academy.
I apply the approach learned from the Stanfor Psychology professor, Dr. BJ Fogg
Everwise - Workplace Mentoring
duolingo is the best learning tool I have ever used! I am very impressed by their approach and business model. Their gamification makes learning easy. The only hard part is being disciplined about practicing.
I enjoy the competition and workout.
I grew up playing sports and really enjoyed football both in high school and college in Texas. Weightlifting and cross-training is an important part of my week. In addition to playing handball at the gym, I still lift hard on free weights and stay in shape with a 3-4 mile jog or time on the Precor.
My family and I are big Disney fans. I am impressed with the logistics and the experience that Disney employees, resorts and the parks deliver. I also am a child at heart. I smile and laugh walking down Main Street and gazing at the Castle. The creativity and careful attention to details is amazing. I aspire to work and dream as if I am an Imagineer!